Bring. It. ON.
You wanna talk about Adam & Eve? I'm ready.
How about Noah or Moses or King David? You got it.
Methusala and Enoch and Job, too.
We can talk about she-bears and blood sacrifice and whether or not rabbits chew the cud.
We can talk about the immorality of substitionary atonement and original sin.
You want every American to *really* read their Bibles this year? I will do my part to help. The year I was 21 I asked my mom for a Bible in One-Year. We went to the Christian bookstore and I picked it out and, what do you know? I still have it.
So I'll be picking a verse from my daily reading & sharing it here with you, Anteaters, by text post or by video. Remember, every time you subscribe to an atheist, an angel loses its wings!